Displaying the weight and description of the product in the list of products (on a product card).
Various payment methods. Separate choice of payment when the customer receives the goods: by card or in cash. Payment by bank cards and electronic currencies: PayPal, Sberbank, etc.
Flexible configuration of delivery methods: paid delivery, free delivery from the minimum order amount, self-pickup, etc.
Support for promo codes (coupons).
Zoom the product photo by clicking in the product list.
Stickers for products, such as Sales, Hit, New, Hot, etc., will help to highlight the desired items, and it will be more convenient for customers to choose products.
Pending orders.
Filter dishes by tags (for example, by ingredients).
SMS / Email new orders notification.
A separate page for promo products.
Non-working hours notification.
Traffic and sales analytics.
Technical work mode - the ability to temporarily suspend the work of receiving orders from the site.
Creation of affiliates with independent content. *
Multilingual - support for multiple languages. *
Help with integration (initial content). *
Additional sections on your delivery site. *
Constant development and addition of new functionality.
It is agreed separately as part of additional work.